Thursday, March 4, 2010


It all starts with days like today...March 4, no clouds in sight, and temperatures reaching 50 degrees. Not too bad for the beginning of March in Missouri. On days like today, all I want to do it get out in the yard and play in the dirt. I came to the realization last year that the bed I want to plant in doesn't have the best dirt ever. Its relatively dry and doesn't seem to be too nutrient rich. Solution? Start a compost!! All you need is a good carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (thats green items to brown items for any non-gardeners out there) and a composting pail, bin or pile. Grass clippings, weeds, green garden debris, coffee grounds and vegetable kitchen scraps are the "green" items. Brown garden debris, leaves, eggshells, teabags and straw are the "brown" items. Layer and let it "cook". The outcome is some nutrient rich organic matter to add to the soil!

I found this simple and small compost pail that would be perfect for a beginning composter like myself!


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