Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Holy Yum

I hate you ATS for making me want to endulge in this carb fest!

I've gone App happy

February has been a really sucky month for my electronics. First was the break in at Gavin's house that wiped out my computer, ipod, and camera. Then over the weekend, my cell phone disappeared from my table when we were out. Like I said before, not a great month for my electronics. I made the switch to the iPhone (FINALLY!) and have been loving it ever since I walked out of the AT&T store on Sunday. I'll have to admit, I've got a little App crazy- Pandora is great for music at work and at the gym, the Southwest App is great for checking out flight deals when I'm trying to find a flight to see my mom in Florida, Trapster for police alerts around town and Urbanspoon when we can't seem to decide on a restaurant for dinner. What's your favorite App?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Watch!

LOVE my new watch from La Mer!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras! In true Fat Tuesday tradition, I think that some yummy seafood gumbo is on the menu for tonite. My recipe is fairly easy- just make a roux, add veggies such as celery and bell peppers, a little seasoning from garlic, thyme and bayleaves, shrimp stock and all the delicious seafood such as shrimp, fish, oysters and crabs. Yummmm!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Best Thing...

As you probably know by now, I was robbed last week. Not really robbed myself, but robbers came in Gavin's house and took a bunch of stuff-- 2 laptops, 2 iPods, 2 digital cameras, some of my jewelry, some of my tennis things, and quite a few other random things. While at first I was angry, upset and everything in between, I've now found the best thing about being robbed is getting ALL NEW STUFF!!!! I feel like a kid making a Christmas list but better because I KNOW that I will be getting all these items on my "wish list". New computer! New iPod! New digital camera! Other than the obvious fact that its annoying, frustrating and upsetting that someone took my stuff (including my music library with 5+ days of songs and bigillions of pictures) it's turning out to be quite an adventure! So if anyone had any recommendations on computers or digital cameras, be sure to drop me a line!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Komen Race for the Cure

The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is FINALLY coming to Columbia!!!!
The Mid-Missouri Inaugural Komen Race for the Cure will kick off September 19, 2010.

Did you know that in 2008, 3,810 Missouri women were diagnosed with breast cancer and 890 Missouri women died from breast cancer, giving Missouri the 5th highest age-adjusted breast cancer mortality rate in the United States???

Thanks to heightened awareness, early detection through screening, improved treatment methods and increased access to breast health services, people have a greater chance of survival than ever before.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Swear Bank

Sometimes I need this at work after getting off the phone with idiots...That'll be $1 for every curse word!

{The W Store}

Happy Hump Day!

I'm feeling crafty today. . . .I just can't decide which project I want to tackle yet!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I miss you spring!

Is it Spring yet?

{Pottery Barn}

Stupid Groundhog

This has nothing to do with fun things like cooking, decorating and crafting..but..The stupid groundhog saw his shadow AGAIN! I think it's a scam, because I can't remember him not seeing his shadow in the recent years. 6 more weeks of winter. Boo!!! That being said, I NEED A VACATION!